Scientific Program
Coming Soon
1 - General in IBD
- Can we prevent IBD?
- Prediction of Course, Prognosis & Response to therapy in IBD
- CDPATH™: Driving change in Crohn’s disease care with predictive modeling
- Telemedicine & Point of care testing in IBD
- Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in IBD: Who, What, why, When, & How?
- Overlap of functional Bowel Disease and IBD
- Viral infections and IBD
- Predicting drug response (Personalization of treatment)
2 - Vascular complications of IBD: an overlooked problem
3 - Endoscopy in IBD
- From white light to advance & precision endoscopy in IBD: Where are we going
4 - Extra-intestinal Manifestations (EIM)
- ECCO Guidelines on Extra intestinal Manifestations including Anaemia
- Dermatology in IBD: Diagnosis and Treatment in Clinical Practice
- Neurological Complications: Is it the Med or the IBD?
- Managing Arthropathies in IBD
- What to Do with a New Elevation in ALT in IBD
- How abdominal pain can guide our management in IBD patients?
5 - Imaging in IBD
- Imaging of fibrosis in CD and UC: Past, present and future
- Can we prevent or treat fibrosis in IBD
- The future of IUS in IBD
6 - Pediatric IBD
- Pediatric IBD in 2023
- Positioning of Biologics in Pediatric Patients
- To Anti-Coagulate or Not to Anti-Coagulate in pediatric IBD?
- Intrabdominal Abscesses in Pediatric Crohn's Disease
- Perianal Crohn's Disease in Children: Diagnostic &Therapeutic Approaches
- Pouches in Pediatric IBD
7 - The Mimics of IBD
8 - Neoplasia in IBD
9 - Surgery in IBD
- ECCO Topical Review: Road map to optimal peri-operative care
10 - Management of IBD
- How to Prevent Disease Progression in IBD
- Did we really modify the course of IBD with current therapeutic strategies?
- In IBD treatment: Is disease clearance reachable?
- Environment & IBD
- Diet as Therapy in IBD
- Addressing Mental Health and Psychiatric Comorbidities in IBD
- Management of IBD in Pregnancy
- Identifying and Treating Appropriate Moderate to Severe UC Patients
- Identifying and Managing Bowel Urgency in UC
- Management of Acute-Severe Colitis
- Managing C-Diff and Colitis
- Crohn’s Disease: Exploring Clinical and Endoscopic Endpoints
- Perianal Crohn's
- Combination & sequencing in IBD: Is it ready for prime time?
- Management of Biologic Related Adverse Events